Friday, March 13, 2009

My Son

Whenever people see my 6-week old daughter, they ohh and ahh about how cute she is.  She is adorable!! and there is something about a little baby that is so soft and innocent it makes everyone feel good.

My son is also adorable.  He has the long dramatic eyelashes, expressive eyes, and a smile that lights up his whole face.  But people don't jump up and get all googlied eyed over a seven year old.

But I would like to make a comment on Chase's true beauty.  Chase has been sick all week & I slept with him last night.  As he was falling asleep I rubbed his head and sang him a song.  When I got done, he turned to look at me and sang a sweet made up song about loving your family.  And then he told me his ideas on love....they were very simple.  "You should love someone because they have a good heart.  Not because they have money or are pretty...cause they make you feel good and help you out when you need it."  My son gives his love out freely, because he has a good heart.  He accepts people the way they are, no questions asked.  No matter how handsome he grows up to be, that will always be the key to his true beauty.  A truly loving heart.  

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Her Big Brother

Chase has been an amazing big brother since the moment he found out I was pregnant. He has spent time planning out activities for him and his brother/sister. He would sit and rub my belly and talk to the baby.

Isabella's favorite thing to do (other then eat & sleep) appears to be admiring her brother. She will recline on her blanket and stare at him in blank wonder as he explains the finer points of Pokemon or the best way to build Legos. She recognizes his voice( it is one she had heard a lot of) and seems thrilled whenever he is around. They are already very lucky to have each other.

Friday, January 30, 2009

A Breakdown

Since Bella Grace's birth I have felt amazing. After I had Chase, I was in a lot of pain and was very uncomfortable. Immediately after Bella was born I felt good. I could get up and move around with minimal discomfort. I am very proud of how the delivery went and am grateful for how easy the physical recovery has been.

But I am now facing a new problem: HORMONES. They crept up on me and on Thursday they were coursing through my body in full force.

The day had gone well...

And then night came. Paul had previous plans with a friend to play basketball. I told him to go on and play that we would be fine. Chase and I had a project to work on after Isabella went to sleep. Well- Isabella wouldn't go to sleep, Chase didn't want to work on his project and the dog would not stop barking. So, sometime in the middle of being jumped on by the 60 lb. dog, feeding a screaming Isabella and debating with Chase the finer points of how to spell "learned" I started crying. I called Paul in tears and asked him to come home. When Paul got home just minutes later. I couldn't even tell him what I needed. I just sat there and cried. I continued to cry (and feed Isabella) for about an hour. I think I scared Chase and I definitely got Bella all worked up :(

I will be happy when the hormones (and the baby gut) are all gone!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Isabella Grace

It seems that for the last 9 months I have not been working on my blog. But I have been busy, and the result of all the hard work showed up on Saturday!

Her name is Isabella Grace. She was born at 1:21 pm, weighed 6 lb. 13 oz. and was 20 inches long. A long and skinny baby!

She is an amazing addition to our family and I already cannot imagine life without her :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Danielle & Jack

I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance,
A church filled with family and friends.
I asked him what kind of a wedding he wished for,
He said one that would make me his wife.
~Author Unknown

Monday, May 19, 2008

Kristy's Big Suprise

On Friday, we attended my sister-in-law's surprise 30th birthday party. A small group of her friends hosted it...and it was fabulous. They did an amazing job putting the party together. It was a fun night; and although I am not sure she was suprised (she has a way of discovering things), I know we all had a great time.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Chase: The Model

Chase got to leave school early today (a huge treat). He got all washed up and nicely groomed so he could get his picture taken. Grandma set up the session and was nice enough to come along and help. Chase was excited to go and really enjoyed it....for about 10 minutes. Then he got very concerned with "when are we done?" He spent pretty much the full session squirming!

I think that the photographer managed to get some good pictures (a tribute to his patience). As with all things, it was an adventure.